Case study

Wholesale distribution

Products and Services
Retail sales of electronic appliances, hyper mart, gas network, lubes, institutional sales


How Can Streamlined Business Processes Now runs on Transform Wholesale Distribution ?

BISMI, a name often chanted by the majority of housewives in Kerala, has a story of success that rolls back to 1974. It is in this year, a young vibrant Engineer, leaving his lucrative job, came out of it to pursue his passion for Entrepreneurship, which time proved to be a wise step taken at a heaven-sent moment

Before: Challenges and Opportunities

  • To bring complex business process on to stream lined single system
  • Business expansion from current 7 stores to many in various cities and abroad has to be supported by a digital platform
  • Core ERP should be accessible across locations & variety of systems
  • The main functions of sales, finance, procurement, stores & distribution should be done through single expandable platform
  • Procurement and storage is a very complex process, should be simplified and systematized

Why SAP and SAVIC Technologies Private Limited

  • SAP S/4HANA covers most of the requirements as a best practice and inbuilt functionality, like finance, Sales, procurement, storage, projects & production (packing etc.) with seamless integration
  • Ever expanding business has to be supported by world class, proven next generation software platform. Different integrations with “point of sale”, bar code reading etc. with SAP S/4HANA

After: Value-Driven Results

  • Stream lined processes in sales, procurement, stores & finance
  • Financial control (plan, budget & actuals) is achieved
  • Operations at distribution centers are smoothened up
  • Standardization of system based process, no dependency on individuals
  • Visibility of project status like plan Vs spend on real time basis
  • Logistic operations are streamlined and efficiency is improved


Improved budget controls on Projects

Loss Control

Stock tracking in store distributions, on transit, at center: all is real time and online. Now the losses are controlled


System based approvals, Budget based procurement, Sales based on MSP & multi level approval process

3 days to 1

Goods receipt process used to take up to 3 days, previously. After SAP S/4HANA, now its done in 1 day.

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  • “The knowledgeable team at SAVIC Technologies helped us deploy SAP S/4HANA to streamline our operations in preparation for our planned, multicity expansion.”

    Jinu John

    Senior Manager

    Bismi Hypermart Pvt. Ltd.