Published on December 22, 2020   Less than a 1 Minute read



It’s one of the most exciting times to work in the marketing domain, as well as demanding. It is no mean feat to draw interest and communicate with today’s technologically advanced customers to bring the message home.


Marketing is in a transitional era. New technologies have changed so much about marketer’s work. To stay competitive and in the race, brands need to ensure that their marketing initiatives keep up to the evolving technologies and meet the needs of the ever convenient customer.

Marketing is in a transitional era. New technologies have changed so much about marketer’s work. To stay competitive and in the race, brands need to ensure that their marketing initiatives keep up to the evolving technologies and meet the needs of the ever convenient customer.

Increased Shopping Via Augmented and Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is a strong leader as advertisers begin to search tools to deliver more immersive and unique experiences. Virtual reality helps consumers to connect with a brand with emotional passion that is impossible with conventional media by facilitating immersive storytelling. This brings the product closer to the market and reinforces brand loyalty. Leading car makers and mobile manufacturers are now at the forefront of offering 360-degree immersive environments using augmented reality. The appetite for reality continues to grow, with augmented reality being the standard component of marketing strategies.


Blockchain is the latest buzzword around and is being touted as a technology that will lead a wide variety of businesses to rapid change. Marketing is no different. Marketing will fix some of the key problems and issues with blockchain technology. Any of the key areas where the promise of blockchain id currently being examined are addressing privacy issues, growing accountability in terms of detecting bots, and building consumer confidence. There will be some obstacles, drawbacks and learning of implementation, as with any nascent technology. That said, some groundbreaking cases of blockchain use are likely to be seen by 2025.

AI Integration

AI has been here for a time now. Marketers use different tools they use to deal with it on a regular basis, whether for email marketing, content, or analytics. AI is an inherent part of engines that work, decide, filter, and propose alternatives for these instruments......

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