Case study


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Accessing data easily with SAP S/4HANA​

SEMIKRON Electronics is en electrónica componente manufacturar. They were able to achieve all round improvement with products, processes, finances and costing after SAP S/4HANA installation, with the help of SAVIC Technologies.

Before: Challenges and Opportunities ​

  • Different islands of data from different business departments​
  • Stock was not reported in real time​
  • Liability or provisions were not accurate and always struggled to create an accurate cash flow​
  • No MIS reporting for management decision making.​

Why SAP and SAVIC Technologies Pvt Ltd​

  • SAP HANA manages massive data volume at high speeds​
  • It delivers real time information​
  • MRP controllers , lead times, planning strategies, replenishment triggers, and much more built into unique implementation.​
  • Production process like SFG was eliminated as a change management process.​
  • Any reporting requirement was visible to business process owners and had no dependency on other departments for the reports.

After: Value-Driven Results

  • Reduced manufacturing costs with help of online product costing​
  • Data footprint (almost 10 times data compression) and reduced server landscape sizing.​
  • Improvement on financial cycle closures. Month end closures on stocks, WIP, ongoing production etc.​

semikron logo


Reduced manufacturing costs with​ help of online product costing


Data footprint almost 10 time data compression, reduced server landscape sizing


mprovement on financial cycle closures


Month end closures on stocks, WIP, ongoing production etc.​

savic logo

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